Untitled, 2016-007, 2016, graphite pigment and varnish in wax on wood, 45 x 40 x 7 cm

Untitled, 2016-007, 2016, graphite pigment and varnish in wax on wood, 45 x 40 x 7 cm

julia mangold


julia mangold


julia mangold

Untitled, 2018-0401, 2018, indigo in wax on paper, framed, 75,5 x 107 cm

Untitled, 2018-0401, 2018, indigo in wax on paper, framed, 75,5 x 107 cm

julia mangold

Untitled, 2.9.01, 2001, 4 pieces, waxed steel, 100 x 117 x 30,5 cm

Untitled, 2.9.01, 2001, 4 pieces, waxed steel, 100 x 117 x 30,5 cm

julia mangold

Untitled, 2016-006, 2016, graphite pigment and varnish in wax on wood, 45 x 40 x 7 cm

Untitled, 2016-006, 2016, graphite pigment and varnish in wax on wood, 45 x 40 x 7 cm

julia mangold

Untitled, 2018-0501, 2018, indigo in wax on paper, framed, 75,5 x 107 cm

Untitled, 2018-0501, 2018, indigo in wax on paper, framed, 75,5 x 107 cm

julia mangold

Untitled, 9.9.02, 2001, 3 pieces, waxed steel, 95 x 45 x 46 cm

Untitled, 9.9.02, 2001, 3 pieces, waxed steel, 95 x 45 x 46 cm

julia mangold

Untitled, 2016-0404, 2016, pigment in wax on paper, framed with museum glass, 58,5 x 46 cm

Untitled, 2016-0404, 2016, pigment in wax on paper, framed with museum glass, 58,5 x 46 cm

julia mangold

Untitled, 2016-0305-/-0308, 2016, 4 pieces, pigment in wax on paper, framed with museum glass, each 58,5 x 46 cm

Untitled, 2016-0305-/-0308, 2016, 4 pieces, pigment in wax on paper, framed with museum glass, each 58,5 x 46 cm

julia mangold

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