Peter Krauskopf is preoccupied with the process of overpainting. All his pictures – the intensely colored, smaller works on paper and the large-format paintings on canvas in monochrome color gradients – have one thing in common: they appear abstract at first glance. Yet they are concretizations of a temporal process: on homogeneous, smooth surfaces, which consist either of sanded, multi-layered, formerly discarded images or monochrome underpaintings, the artist carries out a single, image-generating intervention. Krauskopf, who always paints with oil on linen or paper, uses a squeegee or a brush to apply a broad, even surface over a pre-existing imagination. This creates a symbiosis between an image of the past and its completion in the present. They combine his “museum of images” in his head – especially that of American color field painting of the 1960s, German Romanticism and Dutch painting of the 17th century – with the painter’s intuition in the here and now.
“Peter Krauskopf impresses with his unbroken creative drive. He is an explorative painter in permanent confrontation with the classical academic concept of painting, always in self-critical search for simplification within the pictorial process,” says Walter Storms, who has represented the artist’s work since 2005. The groups of works created in the course of his artistic career present themselves as logical results of controlled thought processes and questioning of previous events. Surprising, inventive painting techniques and the resulting pictorial inventions are an expression of fresh courage and spirit in the abstract pictorial world of Peter Krauskopf.
The works of Peter Krauskopf (*1966 in Leipzig) can be seen in numerous institutional solo exhibitions. In addition, Peter Krauskopf’s works are represented in many public collections, including the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, the Berlinische Galerie and the Paul-Löbe-Haus for Members of the Bundestag, Berlin.The most recent important exhibitions include “Homeland Universe” at Bluerider ART in London in 2023. Further important presentations of his works took place in 2022 at the Kupferstich-Kabinett in Dresden and at the Moritzburg Foundation – Art Museum of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, Halle, Saale.