The exhibition Tender – X shows works by Thomas Scheibitz, which were created in the last two years.
The paintings and sculptures are about similarities or imitations of our visible and tangible world. From a graphic collection of illustrations, motifs and references from the history of art and the history of iconography, these working templates are not imitated, however, but translated into a kind of succession. The edge of an invention is the goal. The title of the exhibition is a phonetic word collage that could also be a mirror image of a title for a novel or the name of a rock band.
Experience, intuition and the intention to make them visible, is a basic concept for the artist’s work.

Stilleben B, 2021, Oil and mixed media on canvas, 130 x 220 cm

Tender – X, 2022, Öl, Oil, vinyl and pigment marker on canvas, 240 × 360 cm

Solaris, 2022, Oil, vinyl and pigment marker on canvas, 220 × 170 cm

Skulptur 1097, 2021, Oil, vinyl and pigment marker on canvas, 235 × 165 cm

Ohne Titel (No. 1150), 2022, vinyl, pigment marker on canvas, 70 × 50 cm

Zwilling 1, 2022, Oil, vinyl and pigment marker on canvas, 40 × 30 cm

Ohne Titel (No. 1150), 2022, Oil, vinyl on canvas, 50 × 70 cm

Home, 2022, mixed media on canvas, 85 × 135 cm